Poverty in Costa Rica: The Costa Rican Humanitarian Foundation Celebrates 25 Years of Doing Good

Orange County, CAThe Costa Rican Humanitarian Foundation (CRHF) has been doing invaluable work aiding the less fortunate within the South American country since 1997. In those 25 years, the foundation has worked to protect and provide for the most vulnerable populations in Costa Rica in practical, sustainable ways. 

Their website details how humanitarian Gail Nystrom created the foundation with four core values at heart: innovation, integrity, cooperation, and cost efficiency. Annually, the organization releases an impact assessment report detailing how the CRHF promoted these values throughout the year. Decades of assessment reports catalog the foundation’s legacy of charitable work for this still-developing country.

The 2021 report posted on the foundation’s website noted that 100% of the foundation’s beneficiaries surveyed that year agreed the foundation had changed their lives for the better.

 These beneficiaries cited the CRHF’s work with “food, community beautification, education, daycare, housing,” and more as the main sources of these positive improvements to their lives. 

The positive work that the CRHF is doing is recognized by other charitable organizations as well. 

According to their website, Grassroots Volunteering is a humanitarian organization that serves as a resource for directing travelers to volunteering opportunities at their travel destinations. Grassroots’ page on the CRHF highlighted the work the foundation is doing for the country, describing how the CRHF develops innovative and cost-effective solutions to social issues present in Costa Rica. Similarly, The Peace Corps also recognizes the CRHF’s nearly 3 decades of service for the country of Costa Rica, and Gail Nystrom of the CRFH was even a corpswoman herself.

The foundation operates almost fully on the generosity of donors and the selflessness of volunteers.

When asked about the work of the CRHF in an interview for Peace Corps Worldwide, Nystrom had much to say about their service work. Nystrom stated that since its creation, the CRHF has “worked with nearly 20,000 youth from all over the world teaching them about [the foundation’s] model for poverty eradication,” as well as “providing them with the opportunity to do needed projects for populations at risk”.

Those interested in learning more about the work that Gail Nystrom and the Costa Rican Humanitarian Foundation have accomplished, or wanting to support the foundation through financial donations or volunteering, should visit their website at www.crhf.org

—Rosemary Wright







https://www.crhf.org https://grassrootsvolunteering.org/about/ https://grassrootsvolunteering.org/volunteer_opportunities/costa-rican-humanitarian-foundation/ https://www.peacecorps.gov/about/ https://peacecorpsworldwide.org/the-costa-rican-humanitarian-foundation/


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